Hi,thank you for posting your query on health care magic.
Looking at your symptoms,you are probably suffering from Inflammation in the respiratory tract(nose,lower airway and voice box-larynx).
Faulty voice production(speaking in an abnormal pitch for a long time like whispering/shouting,speaking too much-voice overuse,etc) may aggravate your voice problem.
You may find relief by taking following medicines:
Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory like Ibuprofen,Antacid like Rantac,
Antihistaminic like
Oral Decongestant like
Phenylephrine with Nasal Decongestant drops like Xylometazoline(take only if you are not suffering from
hypertension),and A
Mucolytic like Ambroxol.
Also take voice rest.Do steam inhalation.Avoid cold food and dust.Drink lots of warm fluids.
Antibiotic needs to be started if you suffer from symptoms like High grade fever,pus discharge from nose or in the cough,etc suggestive of a bacterial infection.
Hope this answers your question.Take care.