Hi thanks for contacting HCM...
You have acute diarrhea....
But which drug you have taken ????
According to cause treatment need...
Stool examination done.
If show pus cells then it is bacterial infection and
metronidazole given with ciproflox....
If show egg of ameba or trophozoites of
giardiasis then metronidazole given for it.
If show hook or round worm egg then
albendazole given...
If segment of tenia seen then praziquintal given....
Maintain hydration with more water.
Soft diet taken....
Avoid smoking and alcohol.
Avoid excess spicy and fatty food....
Avoid stress...
Probiotic tablet taken....
Fiber food taken less until diarrhea resolved...
Mashed potato good one....
Banana provide calories and pottasium and lost electrolytes ..so taken....
If diarrhea non infective and only secretary
loperamide can taken....
Take care....
If need stool culture can be done....