I m a recovering meth addict (clean date August 1, 2005.) I mention that information because me getting clean was immediately followed by the appearance of my first boil which was on my spine and golf-ball sized, followed by my next that was the same size, only on my forehead which caused my entire face to swell up and resulted in a 2-week hospital stay as it made me very sick. since then I have probably had at least 50 boils, maybe more. I used to get them all over my body but for the past few years I ve only had them on my face. I have also had reoccuring impetigo (on/below my nose only) for years now that only comes after I have to blow my nose for a day or so due to a cold or allergies, etc. I know staph is the cause of both of these conditions and I ve tried everything to make it better. I am completely hygienic so bad hygiene, as usually cited as a culprit, is not the case for me. I m at my wits end with it all, please help! after a bit of research, I recently discovered that my anemia could be a huge attribute in getting the boils so I ve started taking iron, I ve always taken 833% dv of vitamin c daily to help with the crappy immune system i caused with all of my past drug use; and i also treat the impetigo with bactroban 3x daily for 10 days everytime i get a flare up. I usually treat a boil with are home remedies such as hot compresses, bacon fat, onions, Prid drawing salve, campo phenique, you name it.. I ve also recently switched my normal clear as it face wash with a Walgreens brand antiseptic wash in hopes this might help. I am exhausted and embarrassed with the past 9 years of boils and impetigo and need to know what may be causing the continuance of it all and what I can do to stop it. I ve even contemplated swabbing my nose inside daily with the bactroban cream in hopes that may help