The cause for your mother's persistent UTI is most probably the use of diapers. Diapers increase local moisture and cause contamination of harmful bacteria from anal region into area around
urethra (tube through which urine flows from bladder to exterior).
It is important to evaluate your mother's bladder and bowel status so that we can decide if we can manage her without diapers. If she has occasional urinary leaks in between normal passage of urine, this condition can be improved with medications to relax the bladder.
If diaper use is unavoidable, please take the following precautions to prevent further recurrence of UTI:
1. Change diaper frequently. Check the diaper at least once every two hours. Wet diaper promotes growth of bacteria. If diaper is soiled with stools, it should be changed immediately. Try using diapers with more absorbent capacity.
2. Try giving diaper free periods by using absorbent mats for some hours to reduce local moisture.
3. Provide regular baths and dry local area with towel. Avoid tub baths.
4. Always wipe clean from front to back while changing diapers. This prevent entry of bacteria from anus region to urethra. Use non-scented baby wipes.
5. Make her drink at least 2 liters of fluid (if her
kidney and heart condition allows this). This promotes
flushing of bacteria from bladder.
6. Apply
estrogen cream around urethra and in vagina twice a day. This makes the region healthy and promotes growth of good bacteria.
7. Try supplements like Cranberry extract capsules (reduces
adhesion of bacteria to bladder), D-mannose (,makes bacteria clump to one another and get flushed out) and probiotics (increases good bacteria around urine passage).
It is important to rule out any other cause of persistent UTI, by getting an ultrasonogram of kidneys and bladder(e.g. increased residual urine inside bladder after passing urine, stones etc.).
I am available for any further clarifications.
Wish your mother good health,
Best regards,
Dr. Raguram.