Hello, my name is Michael, i am a 21 year old male weighing 216 pounds and standing 6'2", with no serious health problems in my history, i do however suffer from anxiety. I've had a feeling of a lump in my throat for the past month or two now, it's just above my adams apple, and sometimes, i feel a lump below my adams apple, i can feel it more when i swallow, and very rarely i get a bit of pain, i've tried relaxing, to see if it is caused by anxiety, and nothing has changed, i've been tested for mono, and it came up negative, i've been taking antibiotics for possible infection for almost a week now, with no noticable change, clearing my throat seems to help a bit. but it never really completely goes away, i should also mention that it seems to come and go throughout the day, thank you, i hope i can get an answer soon