Bud, woman's orgasm's are all mental. The chemical (
oxytocin) that is hightened in females during sex is the same chemical hormone that makes them trust and feel close to someone. If your partner fully trust you and feel's really close to you then an orgasm is easily acheivable. People worry about there penis size, but it's all an ego thing that has to do with a person's insecurity in other area's. Don't worry about it, you have the right equipment. And since your already nervous about it, it is going to play a crucial role in your ejaculation time. I actually read a good book that dealt with the psychology of sex, and it suggested that the orgasm should be something that you consiously choose to have when you want it. See, control is alpha or male characteristic in the human mating world and in relationships. If your able to have control of what is around you, you are considered to be more of an alpha. And your orgasm is just one of many things that you should have control over.
Also, a good brain excercise is to imagine when your having sexual intercourse, try to imagine a
tingling, electric type of energy that is right on your lower back. And before your ejaculate, imagine it discharge the same time you do. It takes a couple times but after a while your orgasm's will intensify. Now, you are saying to yourself that that isn't your problem...... And you are only semi-right.
See if you experience an even more intense orgasm, it will take more than just a few minutes to get you off because you will have been less sensatized to that stimuli and would their for need more of it to acheive an orgasm. Also, within time, for you to ejaculate, you will need to think of that energy in the lower spine and that is what will allow you to control your orgasms.
The lower spine is where a lot of the nerves that are attached to the
spinal cord of the reproductive organs. You allow your thoughts to trigger electrical impulses to that area and trigger sensation.
And buddy, the same can be said about woman. The brain is the epicenter for all fealings. You get the brain to respond to your stimuli and the stimuli that have been pre-set by genetic's and learned behavior and your all set.
Hope I helped and have fun on your honey moon