Hello Mr. Sunil, I can understand your feeling for her.
There are lots of cases like yours we come across in our practice.
In your case it is good part that you are not suffering from
depression symtoms like after break up.
Considering your sexual drive , it is normal drive of a human being which should not be superseded.
Your girl friend is no more with you , but there are two options.
One is that whenever your sexual drive comes, you can masturbate by fantcy of her and can satisfy your drive without breaking any social limitation.
As time goes, you gradually will accept the fact that she is no more with you and you can move forward.
Another option is keep yourself busy with work and after
fatigue you will have less desire and simultaneously you can move forward for your marriage. In that process if you find someone, your love feeling can be expressed and later on you can be involve in sex with your life partner.
Time is the solution. By chance you feel much
stress, go to
consult psychiatrist wihout delay.
Thanks & Regards.
I hope I have answered your concern, if still confusion late me know.