Hi, I have an extensive AVM and vascular malformation in my head, mainly in the tight jaw, chin, face, ear which affects my tongue, throat., etc. I had major surgery (resection at Fitzsimmons Army hosp in Denver) as a teenager. However, it regenerated after all these years and is now bigger and involves many more vessels. Underwent several embolizations (with Onyx surgical glue) last year to slow the AVMs growth. recently learned from MRA that my right external carotid (which was ligated as teen and grew back) is now 70 to 90% narrowed. Everyday, all day long I experince significant pain, pressure, and discomfort in the area just beside/above the right ear and behind the right ear vicinity the cerebellum. This pain grows as the day wears on and I am on my feet. Could this be the result of the narrowing as I know the ECA feeds vessels that stem off in those directions? I also experince balance issues, unsteadiness, have fallen a couple of times; could this be related as well.