I was diagnosed with HSV on my lower leg (outer leg is the S1 region), and I would like to know if this means I shed the HSV genitally. I have never had any OB in the genital areas, and had my first OB in 11/2000 on my outer lower leg. I just became concerned when in 07/2011 I had a (IGG) blood test which came up positive for HSV2, and I was advised that I needed to advise all prior sexual partners. I am confused. I had the OB occur just 2 months after initial OB, and only 1 addtl reoccurance/OB on my leg in 01/2004 (same exact spot) at which time I was Dx by skin biopsy, and lab (culture) testing, but nothing since. I was Rx valtrex for the OB, and advised that OB may occure in the same spot in the future, and if so to contact office for Rx. My initial test (culture) was in 01/2001 but was negative since it was performed so late after initial symptoms presented. Please advise If this means I shed asymp and in the genital region. if I never had any issues in the genital area. I have had several (approx 5) partners since 2000, and none have ever advised me of any symptoms of genital Herpes. I believed at the time I contracted the infection from a public gym at which time I was working out at 4 times a week.