To celebrate my 18 years old birthday, me and my friends went out last friday night and I kind of drank a lot (about 3-4 mikes hard limonade, 3-4 beers, 2-3 shooters). During the friday to saturday night, I slept for about 3 hours. Please note that this was only my third time drunk and this time I probably drank the most I ever did. Since saturday morning, it's like the drunk feeling never really went away and is only getting worst. It's like I'm not really there, concentration is very hard, I have trouble remembering things, it kinda feels like my mouvement is delayed, doing things is confusing, even writing this demands a lot of concentration. Sensation seems vague everywhere on and in my body. Today I'm on my fourth day after drinking and I feel a little dizzy. I went to the hospital yesterday thinking I was doing an aneuvrism or something but after doing, some little tests (blood pressure check, breath check, flashlight in my eyes) they told me it was just some anxiety and they gave me one ativant and prescribed me some. Getting out of the hospital I was releived so I relaxed for a couple of hours but my weird symptoms never went away so I am now scared again. The feeling is very annoying, it prevents me from doing anything without me being scared. Since last friday I almost didn't get out of my house. Please help me.