Ok, I fell down 6 brick steps on March 3rd, hurts really bad. I have 3 knots 2 closer to skin and 1 that is really deep in my lower middle back. I did bruise and still bruised a little but not as bad. I thought by now I wouldn't be hurting because it is the 15th of March. It is getting worse, hurts to cough, walk, move or pretty much anything. I'm so miserable! I have a little girl that will be 2 next month and I cant run and have a good time with her as I feel I'm going to do more damage. I'm constantly limping and favoring my right leg bc when I move my right leg or walk it hurts my back. Bending hurts. I know I need to get it seen about, but can't get in with my doctor till Wednesday and its only Saturday. Can you tell me what could possible be wrong? I do know bruising will hurt but you would think this happening almost 3 weeks ago I would not be in this much pain or having this trouble. Please help and give me some insight. I would greatly appreciate it!