Hello, I have a question about bowel movements. I recently had an episode where I was out in public and all of a sudden my stomach started cramping really bad. I went to the toilet and I'm not exaggerating when I saw I did not leave the stall for the next hour. I was cramping in pain on the toilet and whenever I thought I was finished, I would get up bend over to try to twist my intestines and help the movement. Sure enough I would cramp again and get back on the toilet. My movements were coming out different each time. First the stool was lighter colored pellets, then it was greenish and very slim/thin twice, then a huge darker mass, then the diarrhea came and I thought it was over so I headed back to meet some people and then the diarrhea came again. Now I'm left feeling kinda gaseous inside. I have never had something like this happen to me before, I have had diarrhea and pellet type stool in the past, but not a movement with all these types of stool in one go and for over an hour! I'm in college and this has been the most stressful and busiest semester of all so far. I would like to know what could have/was going on, and how can I prevent this from happening again? It was horrifying.