Hi, I m a 16 Year old Male - 5 foot 9. For about a year now, I have being experiencing a discomfort in my right pubic area region - It s not extremely painful but it does bring discomfort. I first noticed this when I was leaning against a desk and the side of the desk pressed against my right pubic area causing a sudden sharp pain which lasted a second, other experiences has brought this exact discomfort. I have noticed that occasionally If I m jogging or being athletic, the discomfort feeling will suddenly reappear and cause the sharp pain. I may not feel the discomfort for a week or two weeks but it mainly comes when I move in a certain way. After I moved in a certain way causing the sharp pain, If I press in that region, I experience a slight discomfort depending on how hard I press down but I do not feel any lump or swelling. Occasionally I experience slight discomfort in both of my testicles (nothing to the extreme but a discomfort) which is related to the public area discomfort due to that having the feeling as well.