Hello dear
Warm welcome to Healthcaremagic.com
I have evaluated your query thoroughly .
Hope this clears your doubt .
Wishing you fine recovery .
Welcome for any further assistance .
Regards take care .
Hello dear
Warm welcome to Healthcaremagic.com
I have evaluated your query for your daughter in details .
* Salient guidelines for better outcome
- Gargles with salted lukewarm water added peppermint oil 3 times / day.
Cough lozenges to be chewed every 8 hourly .
- Herbal support with skimmed milk mixed with turmeric powder , basil
leaves , honey will help a lot .
- Avoid to give all sorts of dairy products , excess sugar , beverages , ice
creams , chocolates , biscuits etc .
Hope this will help you for sure .
Wishing her fine recovery .
Welcome for any further guidance .
Regards .