Hello there,
I have read your problem carefully,
As you have mentioned torn shoulder ligament, but on what basis you have mentioned this , if its MRI, than which particular ligament is injured?
And how did this
injury happened to you?
And if its you guess that you have injured your ligament, than this could be a wrong guess.
As other than ligament in shoulder joint there is possibility of labrum tear.
You have mentioned driving is problem for you, so this indicates there would be major issue, if not treated early could lead to degenerative changes in joints .
The best option available here for you is visiting a Physio/Orthopedic get the proper assessment done (if not done earlier)
and get start with
physiotherapy treatment as you have mentioned TENS ,
Steroid injection , but they are not effective on long term.
So US therapy,
Laser therapy could help you in healing process.
Taking pain killers dose will damage your
kidney, so wear a shoulder race untill you visit your doctor , give yourself some rest.
Thanks and regards