Hallow Dear,
If your ovulation charts are confusing, I would advise you to monitor your ovulation with
ultrasonography. It will furnish you with following important information:
1. Whether you are ovulating or not. If ovulating, it will help locate the day of ovulation which will help you plan your sexual relations.
2. Size of the follicle just at the time of ovulation: The eggs released from a follicle between 18 mm and 21 mm size are the healthiest and can cause successful
pregnancy. If the follicles are becoming larger before ovulation, induction of ovulation may be planned by Inj.
hCG at the appropriate size of the follicle.
3. Thickness pf the Endometrium: Endometrium of thickness between 9 mm and 14 mm is most conducive for successful
implantation of the fertilized ovum.
ClomHEXAL is
Clomiphene citrate which is used for induction of ovulation. It may affect the growth of the endometrium. If this medicine does not give desired result within 3-6 cycles, there is no wisdom in continuing with it for induction of ovulation and then one should switch over to HMG/hCG combination.
I hope, patency and anatomical normalcy of your genital tract and the semen has been assessed for normalcy.
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri