Hi Thank you for posting your query.I have gone through your details and according to my opinion there are many effective natural remedies you can follow to get rid of migrain and in case you have severe migrain you can opt for medicine sos.
These are the remedies for migrain/headache
Highly effective panchkarma procedure for migrain is
shirodhara in which medicated oil or buttermilk is poured over the forehead .It is the best and effective treatment of migrain.
Secondly you can take effective ayurvedic medications like sootshekhar ras,
pathyadi kwath,shiroshooladi vajra ras,praval pisti .Regarding proper dosage you have to consult ayurvedic expert.
You can try few natural remedies like
Instill two drops of Anu/shadbindu oil into both nostrils at bed time.
Have two jalebi with milk in the morning.
Mix 1/4 teaspoon of clove powder with 1 teaspoon cinnamon oil.Apply this paste on affected area for 20 minutes.
yoga,pranayam ,
meditation like
Anulom vilom 10-15 minutes
Bhastrika 10 minutes
Bhramri 10 times
Udgeeth 10 times
Shavasan 20 minutes
Yoga nidra 20 minutes
Consume light and easy digestable diet.
Avoid exposure to sun .
Hope this answer is useful to you.
Get well soon!