Hi. Thanks for posting your concern at HCM.
It is not advisable to use Dettol because it can cause irritation.
General measures:
-Use a mild cleanser like cetaphil twice daily
-Avoid all creams, moisturisers, sunscreens that you may be using for the time being till you are on anti acne treatment.
-Avoid taking facials.
-Avoid picking your acne.
-Use an Anti-dandruff shampoo since acne is worsened by dandruff.
Specific treatment:
Topical treatment is a valuable adjunct to any form of acne treatment.
-Topical gels/creams containing topical antibiotics like either clindamycin 1%/
benzoyl peroxide 2.5%/
Nadifloxacin or combination of these during the day time.
-Topical retinoids like Adapalene0.1%/ Tretinoin 0.025%/ Azaleic acid 10%/ Azaleic acid 20% at the night time either alone or in combination with clindamycin gel (pre-formulated combinations are available on prescription).
-I would advice that you see a
dermatologist who might feel the need to start
oral antibiotics like Doxycycline or
Azithromycin for 4-6 weeks, if your acne is inflammatory
take care