My friend might be pregnant Hi. I know I m a little young to be using this app, but my friend is possibly pregnant. She s 13. I don t want to go into all the details, but she had sex three days ago from today. She took a pregnancy test in the bathroom at school, and it came out positive. She was a wreck. she was crying on the floor of the bathroom, because she didn t know what she was going to do. She said she isn t going to tell her mom, because she would be angry. she kept repeating my mom is gonna kill me. she s gonna kill me She said she doesn t want to get an abortion, because she doesn t want to kill her baby. I know I sound like an unexperianced kid. I am. I m overwhelmed, and I really don t know what to think. That s why I need help with this. She only took one pregnancy test, and she still needs to go to the doctor. She needs all the support she can get now. Her mom doesn t know. Only me, and 4 of our other close friends. Please help me. Thanks.