I have symptoms such as; cold hands and feet (no matter what the weather is) and fatigue. Even though I sleep enough hours, I still wake up tired. I have tried sleeping for only 8 hours, less and more, but nothing works. I am 19 years old. I do not smoke and I want to know why I have been feeling this way for years now. It gets in the way of my regular daily tasks, because I get tired quickly and I lose my focus. Some times, when I'm in the shower and it's hot in there I start to feel some pressure around my chest area and back side. However, this happens only when I am in the shower, and it's hot in there since I let the hot water run and produce steam. I really want to get at the bottom of this. I admit, I do not exercise and I do not eat fruits or vegetables. I do eat out often and unhealthy. I do have vitamin D deficiency. Please help me, what might this be?