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Therapy for acne includes both oral as well as topical treatment. However, once your acne is brought under good control with oral and topical antiacne medicines, you should still continue to use a cream/gel e.g topical retinoid for maintenance of improvement. Topical retinoids are ideal for maintenance of improvement because they are comedolytic as well as antiinflammatory, thereby preventing the formation of new acne.
Specific Anti-acne treatment:
-Oral Antibiotics: For inflammatory acne(papules and pustules) i advice my patients to start with one of the oral antibiotics leither Azithromycin/ Doxycycline OR Minocycline.
-Topical treatment: Is a valuable adjunct to any form of acne treatment. Mainly two classes of drugs are used topically
Topical Antibacterials: Either
clindamycin 1%/
benzoyl peroxide 2.5% OR
Nadifloxacin during the day time.
Topical Retinoids: Either Adapalene 0.1%/ Tretinoin 0.025% OR Azaleic acid (10%/20%) at bed time.
I would suggest that you see a
dermatologist for a prescription of antiacne medication, because severe acne if left untreated, can leave behind post-acne scars/