thank you for using HCM. if your labia is swollen, there are several reasons why it could be. one if the not common is that you have a swollen baryholins
cyst. these are not uncommon, and it happens when a small gland called the bartholins gland, struts to swell because it gets clogged.
this can become painful, but sometimes with warm soaks several times a day it will resolve.
it may also be the case that you have another type of
skin infection that is causing the swelling. this can happen from shaving, from a small cut, from std's like
herpes, and many other possibilities.
I doubt that it is related to the yeast infection, though it is also possible to hae an
allergic reaction to the yeast medicine that you took. however, you would expect the entire area to be irritated and swollen if that were the case.
if it seems to get worse over the next day or two, and the soaks don't help, or if it gets very painful, you should see your doctor right away. I hope this is helpful, please let me know if you have any more questions.