I read your query in detail and can understand your. From what you have mentioned, you seem to be suffering from a depressive episode.
Depression has all the symptoms tat you have mentioned including anger, irritation, lack of sexual desire, feeling lethargic,
anxiety, sleep disturbances, etc.
You also seem to be misinformed regarding normal sexuality.
Masturbation is a normal physiological process even in females. It doesn't cause any kind of mental, physical or sexual weakness. You current condition sis definitely not due to that fact that you used to masturbate.
You should seek a psychiatric consultation for initiating treatment. You have mentioned that you are pregnant. I would have liked to know the expected date of delivery. accordingly the decision to start anti-depressants can be taken. If you are already more than 3 months pregnant, medications like escitalopram can be started. In case your
pregnancy has not crossed 3 months yet, you will have to take a decision keeping in mind any drug taken during pregnancy can cause problems in the fetus.
In case you feel that you want to avoid medications, cognitive behavior therapy can be planned which involves regular sessions focusing on relaxation and changing the thinking patterns. However, you symptoms seem to be quite significant and if possible, I would suggest you to consider both medications and cognitive behavior therapy for treatment.
Hope this information was helpful. Best wishes.