Hi, welcome to our site. I am Dr Saumya Mittal.
Read your query. That is a very significant question and i appreciate your problem. I will try my best to answer your query
The fact remains that iron, ferritin and
TIBC are all tests meant to test the iron stores in the body. A low ferritin means the reserves in the body for iron are very low. And as can be seen in the query, the levels of iron are just about normal.
With a
hemoglobin of 10.1, if she has no symptoms, I would prescribe tablets to my patient.The iron supplememtation orally may take longer time than iv injections to replace a given dose. However, it is still better than the risks of intravenous injections.
I will therefore suggest the same to you. If the oral iron therapy is not well tolerated, then and only then would I recommend injectible iron therapy.
Once the therapy is started, a repeat hemoglobin may give you a good idea how the therapy is helping. Also suggest testing
Vitamin B12 and
folate levels
I hope this helps you. Inform the reports mentioned above so i can be of help further. Best of luck.
I have given you the answer to the maximum considering the information provided. The results of the tests could further enhance my answer to you.
Please do understand that some details could be extracted from a detailed history and examination.
Looking forward to your return query with the details asked so that I can help you further. Please feel free to ask another query. Would be glad to help you.
(If the answer has helped you, please indicate this)