Hello. Thank you for your question and welcome to HCM. I carefully read your query.
Trıglycerides are that compartment of fat that reflect recent food intake. So, let us say, they can also be falsely elevated. Leaving this aside, triglyceride figures of 156 mg/dL are not very high above the normal range. Only dietary changes are recommended for lowering them, and for a normal and healthy lifestyle. The same things for your
total cholesterol levels. The upper border of normal range for cholesterol levels is 220 mg/dL. However, there are some clinics that set this bar at 200 mg/dL. If I were your doctor, I would suggest only changes in diet and physical activity/sedentary lifestyle. Cholesterol-lowering agents are recommended for usage for male population over 45 years old and under 45 years old if the dietary and lifestyle changes fail to lower the
lipids. So, I would recommend you to engage in more physical activity, 60 minutes a day, for seven days; to not skip any meal, so have the traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus two snack-meals in between; more fibers in your diet, like vegetables and fruit up to 200-300 g a day, and to limit your alcohol consumption to a maximum of 30 g
ethanol a day. You can check your blood levels of
cholesterol and triglycerides after three months.
I hope I was helpful. Wish you a good health.
Take care,
Dr. Meriton