The harmful chemical in the lipstick can cause the lip to turn black. dont apply the lipstick and give some time for the burnt lip tissue to grow back normally ., you can opt for natural way i.e. prepare a solution of dried Rose petals and dip them in glycerein , in a few days the glycerine solution will turn pink, then use this solution of pinkish gycerine twice a day and you will find amazing results.
In that case use a good brand lipstick na. Nowadays you get lipstick with moisturizer and suncreen in it. It could also be due to some allergy. Meet a dermatologist, see tht it is not due to allergy and use a good brand lipstick with sunscreen. In weekends rub lemon and tomato juice on lips, this will also help.
Apply butter or ghee before going to bed. It really work out. One day also apply some honey on lips before going to bed. The other day apply butter. one day ghee. One day oil in mixture with tomato juice like that. All before going to bed only.
Try these u will definitely seen change in your lip color.