1. history of small pox is there, and scar once formed cannot disappears from body, but can be minimized, or at maximum opinion of
Dermatologist can be taken [from cosmetic point of view]
2. Turmeric can be used as face mask: Apply a paste of turmeric,before going to sleep, and wash after a few minutes. In the morning remove any remaining yellow tinge with a paste of chickpea flour and oil.
. Saariva,Manjishtha,Chandan,Turmeric,Daruharidra,,Chopchini,Amalakiसारिवा can be given as single or in compound form (ointment or Orally)
.Kanak Oil,Manjishtha Oil,Kumkumadi Oil for
. Start
Gluten free diet:
i. Take: old rice,geen gram, red gram,banana,java plum, butter milk, goat’s milk, clarified butter,soup,cumin seeds, mint.
ii. Avoid: Wheat, peas, garlic, betelnut, cow’s milk, sour and hot food, excess water drinking.
3. regarding face wash/face pack
. Wash your face with Besan and warm water soon after coming from outside as it is the best natural Bleaching Agent.
. Paste of Rakta Chandana Churnam, Haridra Churnam, Honey and Milk. Apply it as a face pack at least for 7 days, you will see good improvement.