You can tell if your child is ready to potty train by looking out for the following signs:
1.Let your child sit on the potty for at least 15 minutes a day:
Let your child get accustomed to the potty by letting them sit on it for five minutes, three times a day. Encourage them to go, but don't worry if they don't. Praise them for trying and let them know that they can try again later.
2.If they're impatient to get off, try giving them a book or toy to play with so the potty doesn't feel like a punishment.
Never force your child to sit on the potty if they don't want to - you'll only cause further resistance which can upset the whole training process.
3.Showing an interest in the bathroom and how other people use it.
4.Good motor skills - including the ability to walk to the bathroom, climb steps and pull down pants.
5.Good language skills - being able to understand instruction and toilet-related words as well as the ability to communicate a need to go.
6.Predictable bowel movements and an ability to keep a diaper dry for more than two hours.
7.Choose the right time.
8.Set a schedule.
9.Stay with your child while they use the potty.
10.Read potty-themed picture books.
>They will probably still need help wiping for some time, especially after a number two, but is good to get your child into the habit of trying.
>Once they are done, let your child do the honors of
flushing the toilet and wave goodbye or cheer as everything gets flushed away. Congratulate your child on a job well done!
Offer rewards for small successes.