19 yr old patient with great medical history except optic nerve atrophy felt dizzy for few days and seemed little isolated and sometimes saying strange things.Then one day feels so dizzy, rapid heartbeat, faints, feels like she is dying.She regains consciousness very fast and recalls everything that happened when she fainted and in the ambulance.Then randomly she got dizzy for a few days and switched between 2 personalities.One remembered fainting details and height, weight, close family members but not their own name and refused to remember things in their history such as what high school they attended.Maybe when she is more dizzy she switches to someone religious and starts saying prayers for dying and prayers you say to make you a good person and claimed that god told her to say.She denies the major issues we think that could cause her anxiety but she name off smaller issues that bother her.Says she can prevent fainting now.When asked what she feels traumatized from she said she cant tell us almost as if she was possessed and she would get in trouble if she told us but when asked a few times she spelled it h-i-g-h s-c-ho-o-l. Claims no major traumatic abuse type thing happened.Says she has been holding onto feelings from h.s.that felt good at the time but are causing depression cuz she wants to let go.She graduated 1.5 years ago from h.s. very happy and absolutely no sign of anything bothering her.She got married 8 months ago and knows her husband loves her and she wants to give him her full love but sometimes feels like she is afraid to make that deep of a connection.