I am 48 years old, i quit smoking 5 days prior to my moms dying sept. 3rd 2013. I quit because i find myself falling asleep instantly at my desk. I dont sleep very well but during the early day i take a nap for 1 hour i seem refreshed but after i eat i sit down (doesnt matter where) and i am out like a light. always sitting up. i gained about 30 pounds in my gutt mostly i m having trouble performing certain duties that wernt any problem before the pounds. it fluxuates as it seems sometimes i can eat all the sweets i want others i feel drained after, i have a disk issue in my back discovered by my chiro which i couldnt finish seeing. I used to drink almost every day 2 years ago, but rarely do anymore, something is wrong, i need help, i want to live and start excercising. plus my heels are numbimg