Hi, This is a very good question and you realised the importance of prevention. Here we give you a summary of the precautions to be taken. A doctor would be better to reply the others though. As this age group is vulnerable to many diseases there are many routine and special tests recommended regularly. First she needs a regular BP check every 6 months and the blood sugar levels assessed for early detection of Diabetes. Its always good to get the pelvic exam,dental, eye checks and the hearing tests done once in an year. Some of the common tests are blood
cholesterol levels, a complete blood profile,a cardiac profile are mandatory if any risk factors like BP, Diabetes, Asthma, overweight. It is also essential to have a PAP smear to rule out
cervical cancer once every 3 years unless otherwise suggested earlier by your gynecologist. Also a mammogram done by a
radiologist is mandatory as the risk for
breast cancer is very high at this time. Since your mother is in the post menopausal age group she is prone for
Osteoporosis,starting an exercise program will benefit her and will also reduce the risk of post menopausal conditions. But prior to that an exercise
stress test is important to test the effect of exercise on the heart. Do not start any exercise program without consulting a specialist. Please see the doctor for any
vaccination prophylaxis that may be needed if she falls under the high risk groups. Apart from this diet counselling, exercise counselling are must.