Well, I gotta say that you're brutally honest and forthcoming in terms of giving me the details...and why not I suppose, right? I'm a doctor and trying to help.
Unfortunately, this is going to sound like I'm preaching to the choir and then, some. You've already identified the #1 strategy to overcome these types of
SMOKING METH....nothing more to say about it.
Second point, there is no way to really accelerate the chemical or its metabolites out of your system nor its effects out of the brain receptors. The
metabolism of the substance is as long as it takes to get out of your system which could be days to weeks depending upon the quantity taken in.
I know this is going to seem like a ridiculous question to ask...but are you aware of how much damage this can do to your brain? Your answer is going to be an automatic YES....but DO YOU REALLY KNOW EXACTLY how this stuff damages the brain and the long term effects? Many doctors don't even know so instead of preaching to you all the stuff let me provide you with a decent link which is mainly technical BUT there are clearly parts of it that are well worth your time to read and digest in terms of meth's DIRECT PROFILE of toxicity to the brain and to alert you to the fact, that anything mentioned in the article can happen at any given time....doesn't matter if this was the first time in 3-3.5 years, or if you're a daily user....S*** happens man....like on the spot....like right in front of your wife, your child, your parents, your employer.....this stuff is bad news man. Wouldn't be surprised if you've seen users drop from it...yet somehow you think it can't happen to you....Russian Roulette dude.....
I also understand that it's extremely addictive and that you may have every intention in the world to stop but it's just ridiculously impossible. Have you been through drug treatment programs? I think that's your only way out of this vicious cycle. Think about it man. Contact NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS (NA). Every major city has one in the US. If you're outside then, I haven't a clue where you'd go....I guess, I'd agree that going to a hospital could be a bad move if you're trying to keep things quiet!
Look....I wouldn't even know where to frickin start making a "vaporizer pipe out of a light bulb!" I'm mean, are you serious? You sound intelligent and crafty....I can't find a decent person to fix my water heater at home and here I am talkin' to a guy who could probably put a car together from scraps of metal in a garbage can! ROFL!
Listen to me man....get a grip....convince your friend to get a grip and give this S*** up like immediately if not sooner.....here's the link to the Wiki article on Meth....look at what this stuff does to your brain and then, be glad that you've still got it together enough to be able to put a stop to it......
Don't overdo OTC medications for the headache they're not going to help and in fact, can make headaches worse if you overuse them. Hydration is your best option (and we're not talkin' beer either! HA!) and ABSTINENCE to give the receptors time to hydrolyze, turn over, and regenerate.....
Now, do me a favor and rate this crappy answer that hasn't told you anything you didn't already know....OR DID IT? Please give a STAR RATING if you found anything in here useful......(See? We're all addicted to SOMETHING! ROFLMAO)!
Hey, if you've got any further questions you can always direct them to me on this network at DARIUSH SAGHAFI, MD in the Premium section of this website and I'll be sure to get it.....I couldn't blame you if you'd prefer not to hear from me again....but hey, here's my policy.....for ALL my patients I always give them ONE SHPEEL...you know what I mean? Whatever it's going to be...drugs, alcohol, smoking,
overweight, exercise, adultery, whatever.....ONE AND ONLY ONE.....and then, they never hear from me on that topic again unless they ask about it....