Thanks for the query.
Well, you should see a specialist to address the issue in the near future. While it very well could be a normal finding, it is difficult to say anything without more information, and especially an examination and possible
I would like to know, if you use or abuse any substances such as alcohol or tobacco, have been exposed to
human papillomavirus, the medical history of your family, and whether or not there is a family history of rare disorders or head and
neck cancer).
Also it is important to know that the mucosal tags are painful, growing, bleeding, changing colour.
If the answer are no then nothing to worry about it..
Whaetever your answers to those questions are, you should be seen by a physician who can look at and feel the lesion to see if there is anything more ominous present. Some cancers will begin with small skin growths similar to what you are describing.
It is also common to have small papillomas or other benign swellings of the
oral mucosa. The best way to know for sure and to avoid something serious is to see a physician soon.
Hope this helps..