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Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition and commonly present as focal patches of hair loss, most commonly over the
scalp but also on the beard, moustache or eyebrows or eyelashes. Most of the patches regrow hair on there own within a year. However, treatment is often sought for cosmetic concerns.
Various treatment options utilized for treatment of alopecia areata in order of the choice are:
Triamcinolone acetonide. It is first line treatment in adults followed by other modalities like:
--Topical potent
steroids --Topical
Minoxidil --Topical Anthranalin
--Topical PUVA(psoralens +UV A therapy). All of them are effective.
I prefer Intra-lesional steroid in my patients of Alopecia areata. It can be repeated after 3 -4 weeks and most of the patients regrow new hair after just 2 injections, given 3 weeks apart. Regrowth usually is seen within 4-6 weeks in responsive patients. The new hair that re grows is lighter/hypopigmented as compared to the surrounding normal hair but later it regains its pigment.
Whereas in case of other topical treatment modalities, regrowth may take a minimum of 3 months before regrowth can be expected.
Therefore intralesional injection with triamcinolone acetonide, is a far better option in adults, in terms of efficacy.