I have gone through your query and can understand your concern.
As per your complain the
bad breath along with bad smelling white pieces from the throat seems to be more consistent with having Tonsil stones that are calcified structures formed by calcification of food debris and dust which gets deposited over tonsillar crypts..
Nothing to worry consult an Otolaryngologist and get evaluated and in case of tonsil stones you can remove them manually and even the doctor can remove it for you..
To prevent then from forming again and again maintain a good hygiene, gargle with warm saline water.
Always gargle after eating anything to prevent it from accumulating..
Use a flavoured antimicrobial mouthwash as it will mask the bad smell as well as prevent any infection and deposits over tonsils and mouth.
Limit the intake of dairy products as they are high in calcium and will cause more calcifictions.
In cases where there is not relief and the bad breath is very much annoying
Tonsillectomy can also be advised by the doctor..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.