Dear Doctor,
My son Nichiren ,one year old (His date of birth-07 Jan 2011)having bruises like appearance on his body at differant places,greenish,redish,blueish like.He is treated by many doctors but any one could not treated him properly,even though diff. blood tests are performed.Now he suffered by same problem.
After his birth he was affected by jaundice from 3 rd day,having dark yellowish skin,conjunctiva,eyeball and dark yellowish urine also.No any child specialist treated him properly only suggested that, to expose him to sunbath only early in the morning and evening regularly but not any type of medication concerning jaundice.I was in conflict mentality, how to solve problem, I dared to treat him personally considering Indian Ayurvedic medicines ,showing positive response to treatment from 2 nd day and he recovered completely within 15 to 20 days.Now he do not show the symptoms of jaundice but only bruises like appearance.He is under treatment of well known homoeopath but not responding.Could it be Cirrhosis of liver or any problem, please suggest me.Dr.Ganesh G. Ware B.V.Sc.& A.H.