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Since the cause of discomfort in most symptomatic plantar corns is the thickened layer of horny skin between the nerve-bearing tissues and the ground, simple non traumatic removal of this material is a good alternative.
This can be accomplished with a pumice stone or some other type of abrasive material after the sole of the foot has been soaked in warm water for 20 minutes to soften the
wart.This procedure is painless and bloodless .
Also carefully paring with a corn or
callus trimmer is a reasonable alternative
Another technique to remove the excess keratin is an over-the-counter
salicylic acid preparation
It can take several months to get rid of a large one using these treatments.
In general, you should see improvement in one to two weeks. If such treatment does not yield results after several weeks, you should see your doctor for more aggressive methods of corn treatment.
Wishing you speedy recovery
Dr Geetika Paul