Thanks for your query.
Noted your history of long standing diarrhea of 8 months duration which according to you might have been due to changes in city and life affecting you directly, wearing depends, take anti-diarrhea tablets one a week only. Urine, stool and blood tests all normal, have fluorescent orange oil that is constant from bowels and have lost over 30 lbs.
My thoughts and advise are as follows:
Since the tests of blood, urine and stool were normal some additional tests must be done. These are
Thyroid function tests as
hyperthyroidism can cause such problems.
Stool test must be done to see if there is a
pancreatic insufficiency.
Also request for CT scan of the abdomen and
colonoscopy and if all the tests are normal,you are most probably suffering from IBS,
irritable bowel syndrome.
Get started on this line and if there is progress, continue on with appropriate treatment.
Also you have to make a list of the factors, foods, beverages that cause such a problem and stop them, change them, change the situation and avoid the instigating factors altogether.
Control of the stress and/or anxiety is the key to successful treatment as there is no wrong in consulting a
Psychologist or
Psychiatrist for counselling and get additional treatment on this line too.