Hey doc, Well I m here today to ask you if I should seek medical attention for my right arm. I went to my Doctor but I don t think he understands when I explain to him my condition. And My mother doesn t even understand, she says she ll just take me to a massage therapist. I recently fractured this part of my arm(I fractured my Ulna, on my right arm) in May this year, when I fell off my skate board and landed on some stairs, and couldn t put my hand out fast enough, so instead my Ulna took all the force, but the thing is I didn t go to the Infirmary, god knows why. OK so I don t know the exact name for this part of the arm but I m going to say the Extensor Muscles of the forearm It is numb, I m gonna say the area that is numb is, 4inches, and 1 inch wide. If a tap the surface of it it, it stings almost all the way up my hand. (Doesn t reach my hand) The area that is numb is in between my hand, and my elbow. (Opposite side of my arm. I guess the forearm.) What do you think doc? I really want to know what s wrong with me, and what I need to do. Heres My Email: YYYY@YYYY I m 16 years old, from California, if that s any help. Thanks, hope to speak with you soon