Hi, I am a 51 year old lady, who has heirnated disc, I have started physio at the hospital and my back pain seems to have subsided so is not as painful, but now I have pain on the bottom of my heel/ arch, hobbling around like some old women! (Been told by physio it neves and got excises to do). Just wondered if I can get any pain relief, shouldn t take ibuprofen as I also have Crohn!My other issue is about three years ago I had my carpool tunnelling done on my right hand and at the time I had a bit of a trigger finger, last year was re referred back to consultan, long story cut short eventually gave me an injection which was great, he left a appointment for me three months later, which I cancelled because everything was ok, which was last September! Then it came back with a vengeance! I went back to Gp in December and he has now sent me to a Rumatologis but the first appointment is not till the 27th February, and I don t know what to do with the pain! Worse in the mornings as I can t even bend mid knuckle to joint knuckle doses get a bit better during day, but opening and closing hand u can see that their is something stopping it opening smoothly like the others or how it should be! Any advise would be appreciated as both issues are affect my every day life! If don t work I don t get paid! Thanks you Sara