My baby 10 weeks has hydrocele and there is no sign of hernia, but my doctor is insisting upon surgery, the scrotum is neither red nor growing, we have had ultra sound with following results;
Ultrasound Report:
Both Testes
Both testes are seen in either half of scrotum
Both testes have normal size
Right testis measures 1.7x0.9 cms
Left testis measures 1.6cmx0.7cms
Echo Texture is homogeneous and equal on both sides
No mass seen in either testis
Doppler show normal intratesticular vascularity
Moderate amount of fluid seen around right testis
Upper limit of this reaching upto mid inguinal canal and on crying goes higher up, however there is no communicate of canal with peritoneal cavity.
No evidence of herniation of sac or bowel, on the right side
On left side Mild hydrocele seen. It is limited to the scrotum
No evidence of left sided inguinal hernia
Can you tell us what you think?