While using combined
hormonal pills side effects like decreased menstrual flow, international spotting,
amenorrhea for few months, etc. can be seen. Simple
cold and it's general drugs, vitamin tablets, etc. may not affect the menstrual cycles usually. Minimal spotting caused by combining hormonal pills due to reproductive hormonal imbalance can subside soon without the need of any specific medication.
If spotting persists, please consult your gynecologist, and get evaluated. By clinical examination and
ultrasound the possible cause of your problem can be identified and treatment can be taken accordingly. General measures like regular calorie burning exercise, healthy balanced diet, maintaining normal
body mass index can help in maintaining the reproductive hormonal balance and thereby regular menstrual cycles.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Sree Gouri S. R., OBGYN