Tripped and fell on concrete 10 days ago. Fell mostly on right side, bruised shoulder, right side of hip painful with increasing radiating and deepening pain into pelvic girdle. Pain going down right side of leg. Am able to walk slowly now, which intensifies pain. Year ago was probable candidate for hip relacement surgery, but frankly had a miracle healing. From barely being able to lift right leg or turn leg in any direction without lancenating pain, I was able to climb stairs and walk, being pain free! Now, I am also feeling pain in right front groin area, very similar to previous pain. Hx of Lumbar injuries, rotation/scoliosis at L 3-5 with vertebral degradation and ruptured discs, degerative disc disease. Since fall, increased lower back pain (also am bruised on either side of lower spine, though I did not land on that area.) and pressure on various parts of buttocks and even thigh causes nerve pain in expected pattern relative to L3-5. Definately need guidance. 62 year old female,