One day I got up from my sofa and felt a sharp pain for just a few seconds in my lower left back. Since that time (2 weeks ago), I have been experiencing a throbbing, thumping sensation (like a flutter) inside my lower left back that acts up many times during the day and especially with movement. While sleeping, if I am very still, it is not so bad. When I move from side to side in bed, the thumping sensation acts up. Also, the tingling, thumping sensation seems to move, at times, across my hip and into my groin and down my leg. My leg is starting to feel a little numb and tingly when walking. What could be the cause of this? I remember having a similar incident 2 years ago. My doctor sent me for physical therapy which made it worse. We discontinued therapy and all these sensations went away on their own after a month. Unfortunately, I am experiencing this once again. I appreciate any information you can give me with tips as to how I could relieve these sensations I am feeling. Thank you.