Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
The most common cause of a bump and a burning sensation in the anal is a condition called a hemmorhoid. Hemmorhoids are veins in the
rectum that can be made to swell from pressure from defecation of hard stool or any trauma to the rectum. Hemmorhoids commonly itch and burn, and this itching and burning can be treated with ice packs and topical 1%
hydrocortisone cream. Drinking lots of water and eating vegetables and fruits can help to soften your stool to reduce irritation when you defecate.
However, sexually transmitted infections can be transmitted through anal sex, and
genital herpes can also produce symptoms of painful bumps in the genital area. However, with a first episode of herpes, usually people also have other symptoms such as burning with urination,
fever, and flu-likle symptoms. So if the cream and ice does not relieve your symptoms, you should see a GYN doctor for evaluation for
STD testing.
In the future, if you and your partner decide to attempt anal sex again, you should use a lubricant and proceed very slowly to avoid
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that my advice was helpful.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown