Hi my name is sharon, my nearly ten year daugther has always been told since age 3-as always in hospital with eczema, weight prob, i know lot of it is puppy fat, as all round her middle and very tall, well going to be 5.10ft they say, however, she has had since age 6 terrible stomach bloating, at times in pain, burping, passing wind, does go to the loo properly 3/4 times a week, or the opposite.,often out of lessons as embarrased. i had same still do, since age 9, ibs diagnosed age 17, i told doctor i thought she has ibs, for years they ignored me, last week sent her for celiac tests, i knew wasnt that, cant keep weight on for that, and diarreah as a rule, she cant loose weight easy. is there anything a 10 year old can take to help digest her food properly without me taking out to much good things, like bread and dairy.