Hi, I am a 63 yr old female. I tripped and fell a week ago, slamming my knee on the concert. It turned black and blue just below my knee and is still numb to the touch. I have been icing it and staying off of it as much as possible. Yesterday, I noticed that my ankle is now swollen and black and blue. There appears to be a yellowish streak down my shin also. I also felt the sensation of blood running down my leg, but there was none. There is no open wound. I can walk on it without to much trouble. I am just not sure how to proceed from this point. Do I need to go to the doctor, or is what I am doing okay. I know it will take probably 6 to 8 weeks to heal. I did not go to the doctor when this happen, so I am not sure if I fractured my leg or not. But, if I did, what could/would they do?