I am male, 21, 5 foot 10 inches, 165 pounds, and have had a fair amount of sports related injuries, however, I am not sure if they apply to the issue I am having. This is kind of strange, but the problem is with my hair. I attend school in Boston but I am from Chicago, and I know the water content is extremely different in these two cities, so I thought my hair might be reacting funny to the water, but, i have been back and forth between Boston and Chicago for 4 years now and this has never happened. MY hair used to be rather soft; sometimes dry, but still full bodied and reasonably soft. Over the last 3 weeks, I have noticed my hair has become brittle, appearing as if it is splitting all over, and immediately after showers or washing my hair it feels greasy, sticky or dirty. My hair is now coarse, rough, and thinning. Again, this has never happened before and I cannot figure out the cause.