My docter think that I have a chronic infected cyste called Thornwald in my troath, proberly this goes back 14 years when I first went to see my doc. He told me not to worry as this was from stress, last summer I got a lump in my troat that grew bigger by the day , 2 x Antibiotics didn`t help, then one night the lump bust and could feel the puss running down my troat, i went back to the doc. and gave a appointment with the specialist, first he didn`t detected any thing but yesterday he spotted something with yellow spots, every morning I give up puss and have a strange smell in my nose en bad taste, is it posibble that in the long run you can get problems with painfull joints like your shoulders, they tell me tendonites but can that be from de cyste and also, what influence does this cyste have on the rest of your body