yes, you should go on the thinners, and if I were you, I would wean my son to the bottle, and go on the thinners without waiting. It is a matter of life or death here, really. You probably already know, that you are at risk for blood clot formation, which can be deadly. You could have a clot with no warning, and be dead without warning. Or, you could have clots, which cause strokes, or loss of circulation in your
limbs. This is not something to mess with. Along with a blood thinner, you might want to ask your cardiologist about rate control, if she hasn't spoken to you about this. Atrial fib/flutter and tach can be at a controlled rate, or an uncontrolled, fast rate. You do not want a fast uncontrolled rate, as it can affect your blood pressure and circulation as well. There are also medical procedures that can bring the heart back to it's normal
sinus rhythm, by means of drugs,
shock, or surgical interventions. Ask your doc if you are a candidate for any of these types of conversions. You should be worried, about not treating the condition more than about just having it.